Monday, April 23, 2007

PATHFINDER; the Ghost Warrior Rating $

Okay, so this movie had great trailers, great production quality, and a terrible script. That combined with amatuer directing and cliche images from a thousand other action films leaves you feeling let down. The leading man (Karl Urban-recognizable from Lord of the Rings trilogy) is not charismatic nor compelling, but I can't tell if it's the script, directing, or poor acting. He only speaks like 10 phrases in the whole movie. My favorite part of the movie were the Native Americans and the Vikings. The production quality in their houses, boats, and especially costumes were amazing. Much of this came from the graphic novel, but they're spectacular none the less. I'd hoped this film would be better than it was, but predictably it was shallow and didn't explore the reference material to make you want to watch it. MM$

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